Lawyers in Peoria IL

Lawyers in Peoria IL

Lawyers in Peoria IL You Can Trust

In the event you are going through a heated divorce, a long custody fight or even a criminal charge, you want someone on your side who can fight for your rights. Many times when people go through these things, they feel all alone. It can be frustrating, confusing and overwhelming to have to face an uncertainty about your future. You can lean on Borsberry Law Offices during this stressful time. Why hassle with the details of a case that’s already overwhelming enough? At this vulnerable time, get the help you need from our compassionate, experienced attorneys. Consult with Borsberry Law Offices today. We are the lawyers in Peoria IL you can trust.

We specialize in these areas:

  • Custody and Visitation
  • Divorce
  • Criminal Law
  • DCFS and Juvenile Law
  • Orders of Protection
  • Expungement
  • Adoption
Lawyers in Peoria IL

Why Hire Borsberry?

Here are just a few advantages of hiring our lawyers:

  • Knowledge of the law: Because most people are unfamiliar with family and criminal law, they often make costly mistakes when trying to handle it on their own. A lawyer, on the other hand, can navigate the process easily. That’s because we know first-hand how to cut through the red tape, we know the quirks of the judges and we know what the timeline is.
  • Objective viewpoint: Divorce and custody can be very emotional. A criminal accusation can be scary. We approach both situations with a clear head and experience. All those feeling you’re having can cloud your judgement and make you unable to work productively in resolving important matters. Our lawyers offer an objective approach that works.
  • Paperwork: The legal paperwork alone is enough to overwhelm anyone. It takes a lot of time and patience to fill out documents and file them by the deadlines. Let your lawyer handle all of the details so you can concentrate on other matters.

Contact Our Lawyers in Peoria IL

Navigating a divorce? Facing a criminal charge? Whatever your current legal situation is, you can lean on us as a voice of reason. Call Borsberry Law, located at 203 NE. Jefferson, Peoria, IL 61602, across the street from the Peoria County Court House, at 309-716-3329 for a free consultation.