Find a Reliable Defense for Theft Crimes in Peoria IL
If you’ve hit a rough patch and made a few mistakes trying to get your life back on track, you deserve a chance to be heard. More importantly, you deserve a second chance. However, for something like theft crimes in Peoria IL, the punishment can often eclipse the severity of the offense. To ensure you’re treated fairly and can reach a more agreeable settlement or prove your innocence, you need the criminal defense professionals at Borsberry Law Office. We can lead your case to a more favorable resolution.
Common Theft Penalties in Illinois
If faced with theft crime accusations, you must contend with the potential consequences, ranging from fines to jail time. In Illinois, theft crime penalties are based on the value of the property stolen and the circumstances that define your case. Examples of those penalties include:
- Class A Misdemeanor – Theft of property worth (not stolen from a person) $500 maximum carries a possible jail sentence of up to less than one year and a $2,500 maximum fine.
- Class 4 Felony – Theft of property from a place of worship, school or government property carries a possible maximum jail sentence of three years and a $25,000 maximum fine.
- Class 3 Felony – Theft of property worth up to $500 and taken from a person, or between $500 and $10,000 not from a person, carries a maximum jail sentence of up to five years and a $25,000 maximum fine.
- Class 2 Felony – Theft of property worth $10,000 to $100,000 carries a maximum jail sentence of up to seven years and a $25,000 maximum fine.
- Class 1 Felony – Theft of property worth $100,000 to $1,000,000 carries a maximum jail sentence of up to 15 years and a $25,000 maximum fine.
- Class X Felony – Theft of property worth more than $1,000,000 carries a maximum jail sentence of up to 30 years and a $25,000 maximum fine.

Have an Attorney On Your Side
Without proper legal representation, you risk a judge and prosecutors passing down unfair sentencing that doesn’t fit the crime or consider your side of a story. Instead, let the team at Borsberry Law represent you to lessen or eliminate potential sentencing.
- Be Taken Seriously – Without a personal lawyer to represent you, you’ll have difficulty finding a judge to take your side of a case seriously. And while unfortunate, having legal representation makes a big difference, opening up legal options you may not have had before.
- Ensure Fair Treatment – Passion or emotion behind a case can sometimes motivate a judge to a harsher sentence. However, if a crime was committed, you deserve a fair trial with an appropriate sentence. Our attorneys can reign in the emotion and ensure you are treated fairly.
- Avoid Court – Ideally, having an attorney before you reach court can help secure an outcome where you never step before a judge or jury. Borsberry Law can help you reach a settlement with prosecutors to reduce charges or have them entirely thrown out.

What We Cover
If you are facing criminal accusations of any theft crime, give our legal team a call. We have experience handling cases involving:
- Robbery – A criminal act involving taking property from another person through force or the threat of force.
- Larceny – The unlawful taking of personal property from someone else with the intent to permanently deprive them of it.
- Burglary – Unauthorized entry into a building or occupied structure with intent to commit a crime, particularly theft, within.
- Shoplifting – The act of taking goods from a retail premise without paying for them, often done stealthily.
- Auto Theft – The act of unlawfully seizing or using another individual’s vehicle without permission.
- Fraud – Deceptive action intended to result in financial or personal gain by falsely representing facts.
- Identity Theft – The fraudulent acquisition and use of someone’s personal information, typically for financial gain.
- And More
Get in Touch Right Away
The worst thing you could do for your criminal defense case is wait too long to secure legal representation. So, if you’ve been accused of theft crimes in Peoria, IL, be sure the first people you talk to are the criminal defense professionals at Borsberry Law Office. You can call us today at 309-637-9000 to request a free consultation. Also, we are located at 203 NE Jefferson St, Peoria, IL 61602.